My first idea "My Dream" - is a bonbon with Hungarian sausage/chorizo. Perfect for dry red wines, filtered or unfiltered beers, vodkas, spirits, smoky whiskeys, and quality Cuban rums. Served - as it is - can give you an excellent culinary experience as well. Best served on 20ºC. Before you taste the bonbon, take a sip of your drink, then take the bonbon – putting the entire bonbon in your mouth. After the bonbon, take another sip of the drink - to feel the unknown harmony yet to be discovered. Pay close attention the aroma of the drink - which is summoned by the bonbon. I highly recommend thoroughly chewing the bonbon on all sides of the mouth - heightening the flavour on various points of the taste buds - experiencing different flavours. It is worth tasting them again as each time is a special one. Slightly spicy. It is dedicated to my beloved son, András Bárdos, who was my first, honest critic. (Recommended with Pinot Noir, Portugieser, Hungarian Bull's Blood, Blue Frankish, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Saugvignon, Kadarka, etc.)

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My Dream

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Teacher's serves the healthy lifestyle with its lemony flavour, full of Vitamin C. Chocolate is essential for our heart and healthy blood flow, it is full of mineral, reduces cholesterol levels, and helps raise endorphin - our hormone to feel happy! Vitamin C is crucial to have a healthy body and mind. Therefore, this bonbon is one of the healthiest one which you can eat every single day to stay healthy and happy! I dedicate this bonbon to my confectionary master teacher, Tibor Kocsis, who helped me become a real confectioner. (Recommended with Becherovka, Ginger Lemonade with Vodka, Limoncello, Sgroppino, Gin Fizz, etc.) In stock with optional Vitamin C volumes (100mg / 250mg / 500mg)

Our new bonbon, Tibi's Favorite, is a special one as it is made with a special type of beef, just as our bonbon, Teacher, which has a similar deep flavour to it. In order to heighten the experience, I recommend the bonbon with quality lager/ale or unfiltered beer. Try it with fresh baked goods (like a buttery yeast dough or fresh bread) as this pairing will shed a light on flavours never experienced before! Works well with dry red or white wines, whisky, or cognac. Have a sip of beer and take a bite of the bonbon, continue until you feel full! Recommended to be served at 20ºC. °CMake sure to turn the chocolate multiple times in your mouth as your taste buds will experience different flavours on each sides. I dedicate this to Tibor Sipos, who has this as his favorite!

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Tibi’s favorite

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Test Teddy Bear

I have a friend who I had tasted many different wines with. He has a big heart and his love for wine has always been there with his openness to culinary adventures. I have learned a lot from his curiosity towards flavours and from his critical feedback. This is why we named this bonbon Test Teddy Bear. It has loads of love and greatness inside. Thanks to my friend, I had the bravery to create this smoky-cottage cheese/farmer's cheese bonbon. Perfect for semi-sweet white wines, however works well as an after-meal dessert on its own. I dedicate this bonbon to dr. Gábor Varga. (Recommended with Semi-sweet Hungarian Cserszegi Fűszeres, semi-sweet Pinot Grigio)

During a wine tasting session organized by Tamas Szőke, restaurant owner from Vác, he asked me to create a dessert that works well with the flavours of the French liquor, Picon. This drink is served in wheat beer, however, we realized that in itself serves as a wonderful drink, too! The initial idea of Gabi was refined and the result was one of our tastiest desserts. Its unique and complex flavours resulted in a premium dessert which may be served by itself – just as delicious!
I dedicate this bonbon to Vera Bárdos, my cousin, with eternal love. Recommended for the French Picon and the German Jagermeister.

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Fabulous voice

If we discuss flavours, many have been discovered. My flavours were inspired by people. Those who meant a lot to me and – likewise – I meant a lot to them. The Fabulous Voice recorded one song for me which found the center of my heart. This - the everlasting adoration between father and daughter – is what I try to form into flavours. This is how I created a bonbon with chestnut which I dedicate to my chirping bird, Barbara Bárdos. Recommended to be served alone as well as for non-white rums. As during every tasting, take a sip of the rum and have a bonbon served on room temperature. After you take another sip of the rum, you will experience aromas that cause the highest culinary adventures.

There is a famous wine, which has a well-deserved place amongst Hungaricums – Hungarian Specialties. There is no need to introduce Tokaji Aszu, which serves as the inspiration for this bonbon, named Love, made with dairy. Many have created meals or desserts to be paired with this amazing wine, however, I wanted to create something unexpected, and something that moves away from the usual flavours. You may love a lot of things, but you cannot imagine this harmony of flavours. Forever sweet, forever unique, forever new. I have always been lucky to have amazing masters. One of them was my Art Master whose culture, knowledge, and style helped me discover the beauty of fine arts. Her exceptional critical perspective and her insights into human nature made me and many others discover oneself. She was like my mother – I respected and loved her. I dedicate this to dr. Józsefné Róbert, the “Mama” (Recommended for Tokaji Aszu)

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The Gourmet

When it comes to wines, dry white wines are certainly are on the top of the rankings. There is great literature by wine experts about how to pair dishes with white wines. However, wine dessert is not a full meal on its own – in its everyday sense. This is a dessert – that it served after a great meal – just like dessert served after a delicious glass of wine. Gourmet bonbon – which contains dairy – was made for dry white wines, nevertheless it goes very well with full-bodied red wines. After taking a sip of the wine, have a bonbon. When swallowed, exhale through your nose and you will feel the amazing aromas of the wine and the bonbon at the same time. Then take another sip, and repeat the exhalation. I dedicate this bonbon to Tamás Albert, who has been my friend for decades, my great critic and gourmet. (Recommended wines: Juhfark, Pinot Grigio, Irsai Oliver, Chardonnay, Olaszrizling, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Portugieser, Hungarian Bull’s Blood, Blue Frankish, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Saugvignon, Kadarka, etc.)

Pálinka is an incomparable unique drink, one of Hungary’s national spirits. One of the most famous is the plum - for which I have created a plum-based bonbon, named Bass. This was tasted by one other friend - who happens to be a musician - first without pálinka and said he would eat the bonbon just by itself! I am not afraid when it comes to portions - this is a give-back for all the help and ideas received. This bonbon may be the favorite of those who love plum spirits - bringing a sense of new and baked fruity flavours. Tasting is similar to wines: sip of pálinka, bonbon, sip of pálinka, bonbon. This dessert serves very well for those also who do not drink spirits normally. I dedicate this bonbon to Attila Barán bass player, who selected this bonbon as his favorite.

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I had a wonderful mother. Cultured, clever and loveable. She taught me about love for music, beauty, culture and she also taught me the basics of cooking. I made the filling of this bonbon with her - which we used in bejgli back then (famous nutty yeast dough roll). I dedicate this bonbon to her, which works well with sweet wines. It dissolves and softens the taste and creates a harmony of flavours. Have a sip of wine, then take a room-temperature bonbon, then another sip of wine, then another bite of bonbon. I dedicate this bonbon to my beloved mother, Herczeg Judit (Recommended with Tokaji Szamorodni, sweet Cuvee, sweet Furmint, Zeus (late harvest), sweet Szamorodni, sweet Pinot Grigio, etc.) Works well with a nice cup of black coffee, too!

When I created Tomo bonbon, I did not want to create this chocolaty bonbon – however it was an easy path. Initially it was not meant to be a wine dessert, nevertheless, it works very well with sweet red wines. I made it because of my beloved grandson - it is also available for adults as well with a splash of alcohol. In the end, a bonbon was created that works well in itself, or with serious sweet wines. I recommend this bonbon to my grandson, Alex Áron Bárdos, (Recommended with sweet Cuvee, sweet Furmint, Zeus (late harvest), sweet Szamorodni, sweet Pinot Grigio, etc.)

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There is a saying: Champagne is the queen of drinks, and the drink of kings. For this festive drink, I have created a royal dessert. For a champagne served on 6-8 ºC, a room temperature caviar-based bonbon to be recommended. Heavenly – this word perfectly describes the feeling after this champagne and bonbon combo. The more special champagne, the more Heavenly experience. You will not believe this, until you taste it! I dedicate this bonbon to Dom Perignon – the World may thank him for this drink! (Recommended with dry champagne, dry Prosecco, vodka, etc.)

We were sitting together with my Gabi in the kitchen while we were having some beer. She came up with a new flavour, which we created immediately – it was so interesting, so unusual that we “translated” into a bonbon. We were fine-tuning it a bit and we came up with a nutty dessert that works super well with semi-sweet wine or a cinnamon cappuccino, but can be served as it is. This is the combination of sweet and salty – a harmony of flavours which I have always believed in. I dedicate this bonbon to Gabi Nánássy, my beloved and creative partner, who is next to me on the road of life. (Recommended drinks: Harslevelu wine, semi-sweet Muscat, semi-sweet Cserszegi Fuszeres, semi-sweet Cuvee, semi-sweet Furmint, semi-sweet Muscat Ottonel, etc.) or a cappuccino.

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The Juicy

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Gabi had this flavour in mind, just like in the case of Juicy. This could be odd, but works very well with light rums, sweet red wines, or the famous Mojito. The freshness of the mint creates a strong harmony with the special chocolate. Can be served as it is. I dedicate this bonbon to my graphic designer friend and creative partner, Krisztián Mayer, who inspired me and helped me design the brand identity and website of Tomo Bonbon. (Recommended drinks: Mojito, sweet red wines - like Thummerer Egri Tréfli Cuvée, Varga Winery sweet red, Fantinel La Roncaia Merlot, Bodri Faluhely, light red rums, etc.)

Száraz fehérborokhoz készült a különleges, Ballsy fantázia nevű bonbon. Ízlelési rendszere hasonló, mint az összes bordesszert esetében: bor – bonbon – bor – bonbon / 20 °C. Miért férfias? Mert kicsit csípős íze, „tökös” aromája, a férfias száraz fehérborokhoz illik. De ajánlom azoknak a hölgyeknek is, akik szeretik a különleges, karakteres ízeket, hisz bor kóstolása nélkül is kivételes kulináris élvezetet jelent fogyasztása. Ajánlom Tarpay György nagybátyámnak, aki igazán férfias és imádja a jó borokat (ajánlott bor fajták: Zöld Veltiner, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Traminer, Juhfark, Szürkebarát, Furmint, Cserszegi Füszeres, Irsai Olivér, Chardonnay, Olasz Rizling, stb.)

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Made with various spices, this surprisingly aromatic semi-sweet wines works well with coffee too. Its spicy flavour is a result of those special spices used that are quite healthy. We love it because of its flavour. Recommended to be eaten as a whole as its flavours only work if you do not take small bites of the bonbon – despite biting being the more popular method of eating bonbons. Works absolutely well with Coffee Latte, semi-sweet Harslevelu wine, semi-sweet muscat, semi-sweet Cserszegi Fuszeres, semi-sweet Cuvee, semi-sweet, Furmint, semi-sweet Muscat Ottonel, etc . I dedicate this bonbon to my brother, dr. Gyorgy Bárdos.

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It was my idea for a long time to create a bonbon with liver – which I have created for Rose wines. I wanted to create spicy flavours as Roses are very sensitive. Thanks to Tibor Babuk I managed to fine-tune these flavours. I dedicate this bonbon to him! (Recommended with : Sauska Rosé, Sauska Siller, Etyeki Kúria – Rosé, Kreinbacher Rosé, Légli Rosé, Duzsi Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé, Figula Bella Róza Rosé, Takler Pinot Noir Rosé, Bodri – Szekszárdi Siller ’Civilis” QV, etc.)