I used to have many friends, now only a few. There is one in particular who loves sweets, and who I have a lot to thank to – through this I want to thank her and for her long-lasting friendship. Tabby is the name of the chocolaty bonbon made with nuts which I dedicate to dr. Annamária Szabó – with my everlasting friendship. Recommended with Lungo (long espresso). Take a bite after each sips of coffee – a true bomb of energy!

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A Mandrake (Álomfű) nem szó szerint értendő. A mák alapú íz kedvence a Magyaroknak, és különlegesség a külföldieknek. Anyám tanított erre az összetételű ízrendszerre, amelyet most a desszertet kedvelők elé tárok. Mondanám, hogy nem lehet abba hagyni és nem is állok messze az igazságtól, de tömény, gejl íze miatt, túl sokat nem lehet fogyasztani belőle. Illik presszó kávékhoz, capuchinókhoz is. Ajánlom szeretett nagynénémnek, Spiegel Annie operaénekesnek.

Available in sugar-free also

I had a wonderful mother. Cultured, clever and loveable. She taught me about love for music, beauty, culture and she also taught me the basics of cooking. I made the filling of this bonbon with her - which we used in bejgli back then (famous nutty yeast dough roll). I dedicate this bonbon to her, which works well with black coffe (espresso). It dissolves and softens the taste and creates a harmony of flavours. Have a sip of wine, then take a room-temperature bonbon, then another sip of wine, then another bite of bonbon. I dedicate this bonbon to my beloved mother, Hercezeg Judit. Works well with a nice cup of black coffee, too!

Available in sugar-free also

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When I created Tomo bonbon, I did not want to create this chocolaty bonbon – however it was an easy path. Initially it was not meant to be a wine dessert, nevertheless, it works very well with sweet red wines. I made it because of my beloved grandson - it is also available for adults as well with a splash of alcohol. In the end, a bonbon was created that works well in itself, or with serious black coffee. I recommend this bonbon to my grandson, Alex Áron Bárdos,

Available in sugar-free also

Ültünk az én Gabimmal a konyhában és söröztünk. Egyszer csak előállt egy íz ötlettel, amit hamarosan össze is állítottunk. Annyira érdekes, annyira meglepő volt, hogy azonnal bonbonba töltöttük. „Hangoltuk” egy kicsit még és olyan sósmogyorós desszert készült belőle, amely kitűnően illik egy fahéjas capuchinóhoz is. Sós és édes meglepő ízharmóniája ez, amelyben oly régóta hiszek. Ajánlom Nánássy Gabinak, aki szeretett páromként és alkotó társamként kísér utamon.

Available in sugar-free also

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The Juicy

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Coffee fan

Coffee is becoming increasingly popular. Coffee has a deep and established culture - especially coming from various lands, prepared in various ways, roasted with ever-evolving techniques. Cafes and restaurants serve this popular drink. Once my nephew invited me for a special coffee and during our conversation I realized I want to make a coffee dessert. This is how I created this almond-based bonbon which I recommend to those who love drinking coffee, not only for its caffeine during the mornings. I dedicate this bonbon to Pál Péter Bárdos, my nephew – without him there would be no coffee dessert!

I have created this special bonbon, Ballsy, for dry white wines but it turned out during the trial tastings, it was also divine for coffee. Why is it manly and ballsy? Because it has a spicy flavour, a ballsy aroma, and works well with manly dry white wines. However, I recommend to all ladies who love characteristic and special flavours - without wine, this bonbon is just as strong in creating a heightened culinary experience. I dedicate this bonbon to my uncle, György Tarpay, who is a truly manly man.

Available in sugar-free also

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I have created this bonbon because of my friend, Attila Barán, who happens to be a bass player. A traditional flavour that brings back a decade of memories – is always a tireless must when it comes to dessert flavours that my fellow dessert makers and I have to follow – as audiences love it! This is non other than brandied cherries that are spicy, sweet and sour at the same time. May be served as it is, but works very well with a nice espresso. I dedicate this bonbon to my sister, dr. Kata Bárdos.

Available in sugar-free also

Made with various spices, this surprisingly aromatic snack works well with coffee. Its spicy flavour is a result of those special spices used that are quite healthy. We love it because of its flavour. Recommended to be eaten as a whole as its flavours only work if you do not take small bites of the bonbon – despite biting being the more popular method of eating bonbons. Works absolutely well with Coffee Latte. I dedicate this bonbon to my brother, dr. György Bárdos.

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Hogyan maradhatna ki a fahéjas bonbon a desszertek sorából? Ez az a fűszer, amely egészséges, amely jellegzetes és amely különleges. Nem szántam semmilyen italhoz, bár egy jó capuchinóhoz érdemes fogyasztani, Ez a bonbon könnyed, nem tolakodó, mégis harmonikus ízhatású. Ajánlom egyik legrégebbi barátomnak, Gajdács Mátyásnak, aki vegyészmérnök és pék.

Available in sugar-free also